Sikhism, founded by Baba Guru Nanak, is based on his teachings .Hi s voice was a voice of compassion and a plea for peace and unity during a time of widespread communal hatred. Wherever he traveled, he spoke out against what appeared to him as empty or harmful religious rituals such as idol worship, the caste system, and the sacrifice of widows. He taught a strict monotheism along with the brotherhood of humanity. Guru Nanak, who is often described as a humanist, taught a message of love. It has been said that he saw God in humanism and that, in a true sense, his religion was humanism. His view was of a universal God common to all humankind, not limited to any religion, nation, race, creed, color, or gender. Human rights and social justice form a cornerstone of Sikh belief, and Sikh history features many examples of Sikh Gurus.

Dr Amjad Ali Bhatti. (2018) بابا گورو نانک دے کلام وچ انسان دوستی , Parakh, Volume 3, Issue 2, 6th Edition.
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