There is a growing interest found in the study of workplace engagement and it has become
a buzzword in the recent years. It is considered HRM’s new best friend which is characterized by vigor,
dedication, and absorption. However, its paucity results in job burnout which is characterized by exhaustion,
depersonalization and a diminished sense of professional accomplishment. Job burnout usually takes place
due to erosion of engagement. Moreover, if the burnout issue remains unaddressed, it will ultimately lead
the employees to quit and will make creating a congenial working environment an even bigger a challenge for
today’s managers. The objectives of this study are manifold: to find factorial validity of the original 17-item
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), 22-item Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and 3-item Turnover
Intention Scale by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), to check the scores of respective sub-scales
for good internal consistency, to test the proposed model through Path Analysis, and finally to establish
validity and reliability of the constructs: workplace engagement, job burnout, and turnover intention in the
context of Pakistan. For this study, cross-sectional data have been collected through convenience sampling
from employees working in Karachi-based service oriented organizations. A Survey with 150 respondents
was conducted and after data screening, 138 responses were found usable for analysis. The novel finding
of this study was that more absorbed employees in their jobs do not face any kind of burnout syndrome in
Pakistani context
Syeda Nazneen Waseem, Reema Frooghi, Bushra Shahzad Khan. (2016) Empirical Assessment of the Constructs: Workplace Engagement, Job Burnout and Turnover Intention, Journal of Education & Social Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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