Hadith Sciences is one of the prominent field of research as it deals with primary sources of Islamic Law. It is also an authentic way to decipher the exact sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the distinction between authentic and false becomes clearer. The concept of Ta’farrud occupies a prominent position in the field of Hadith Sciences. It is usually observed that the word Ta’farrud is interpreted as ‘rejected Hadith’ and thus Ta’farrud is considered unacceptable. Ta’farrud has a deep relationship with Ilm ul Ilal which is one of the most challenging subjects of Uloom ul Hadith. Muhaddetheen have interpreted Ta’farrud in various ways in their books. In some places, Ta’farrud means Shaz, while in other places it means Munkar, and in some instances it is interpreted as Gharib and so on. In the present study I have attempted to present Ta’farrud in a brief yet comprehensive manner to provide a clear understanding of Ta’farrud to the readers and to avoid possible confusions.

Abdul Haseeb, Dr. Abdul Hameed Kharroub. (2019) تفردات الإمام الطبراني في كتابه “المعجم الأوسط” دراسة نظرية و تطبيقية, Ma’arif-e-Islami, Volume 18, Issue 1.
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