The resistance literature is considered as an important factor in the development of political consciousness among subjugated people. This phenomenon exhibited not only the resentment and the foiling of Mir Gul Khan Naseer (Hereafter Gul Khan), and other Baloch critics against colonialism but also identified social and economic problems of Balochistan. Education for boys and girls, end of the sardari system, political and economic reforms were some of its most frequently emphasized subjects. Therefore, Balochi resistance literature generally and Naseer’s lyrics against the authorities specially merit evaluation. Even a cursory glance at the history of Balochi literature, manifests the pride and dignity that Baloch poets and epic writers have shown for their heroes. This literature also demonstrates anger and resentment against the intruders and ridicule alongside traitors. Notwithstanding historical accuracy, the Baloch self-perception as the guardian of noble values is perpetuated in their literature. They trace their origin from Arabia and show their presence in almost every great battle, which was fought for the glory of Islam or for the veneration of Baloch culture. Gul Khan, the legend under special study has also extensively written on these features. In the coming pages we will attempt to appraise Naseer’s contributions in this respect particularly through his lyrics.

Prof. Dr. Javed Haider Syed, Dr. Kaleemullah Barech, Amjad Abbas Khan Maggasi3. (2015) Mir Gul Khan Naseer: An Evaluation of his Contributions to the Baloch Cause, Balochistan Review, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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