The U.S. and Russia have developed a common military practice for seeking advancements in space-based weapons. Both states are aiming for space superiority and pursuing very effort to be a space-power. The outer space is struggling with the notions of potential space warfighting doctrine by the U.S. and Russia. The improvements in Anti-Satellite Weapons, Hypersonic Glide Weapons and acquiring laser- based space weapons are offering security challenges to the nonspace faring nations. This paper aims to evaluate the implications of these variants of space weapons that underlines the qualitative assessment stating that are no cost-effective solutions to counter threats in outer space. Therefore, such potential space war scenarios can be minimized if the Russian Aerospace Defense and U.S. Space Command establishes a mechanism for exchanging the intelligence over cyberspace threats in peacetime. Both Forces should also sign a CBM on refraining any deliberate attack over space assets. They may include other technologically advanced state like China as well. Only progress in bilateral talks between Russia and the U.S. may increase their collaboration at international normative approach on outer space Post Cold War arms race is not restricted to two traditional rivals i.e. U.S. and Russia. The domino effect of this technology has introduced the offense - defense doctrines and other states like China and India are also working on space weapon capability

Mahvish Malik . (2020) United States and Russian Outer Space Weapon Capabilities - An Assessment, Journal of Politics & International Studies , Volume 6, Issue 1.
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