The All India Muslim League (AIML) was formed on
December 30, 1906 mainly to protect and advance the
political rights and interests of the Muslims of India but the
extra-territorial issues also did not escape its attention.
Therefore, references to the international issues continued to
emerge in the AIML proceedings in the coming years. The
first major international issue which attracted the AIML’s
attention was mistreatment of the Indians in the British
colonies particularly in the Transvaal state of South Africa.
The AIML urged the British cabinet to secure complete and
equal rights and privileges of the British citizenship for the
Indians with a permission to settle in the British colonies on
equal terms with the ‘white races’. The Pan-Islamic
sentiments also got reflected in the AIML proceedings.
However, international concerns of the AIML, rather whole of
the Muslim India, were best exhibited in the case of Turkey.
Key Words: Muslim League, South Africa, Turkey, British, India
Nadeem Shafiq Malik. (2012) Formation of the All India Muslim League and its Response to some Foreign Issues – 1906 – 1911 , Journal of Political Studies, Volume 19, Issue 2.
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