Sarshar Sidiqui is such a name of our literature who does not need to be introduced. He is recognized himself by his different style. He is habitual of speaking straight straight-forward. l-le indicates li fes bitterness, realities, social and economic injustices. In literature to write truth in a true manner, courage and boldness is necessary and Sarshar Siddiqui has such qualities at large scale. After study of Sarshar Siddiqu?s national poetry it can be assumed easily that he loves his country so much. If he is called a true and sincere Pakistani, it will not be improper and inaccurate. He is full of partriotism This book does not express only emotions of patriotism but this book also represents emotions of muslim people and circumstances as well as.

Dr. Sadaf Fatima. (2016) Sarshar Siddiqui, National Poetry, Urdu, DARYAFT, Volume 16, Issue 16.
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