To limit the language to mere a conglomeration of words is not
sufficient rather to call it the specific words which sustain cultural
and civilizational bond with its society.
As Language, through poetry, carries more potentialities to create
and infuse lasting impact, that is why, minute attributes of language
emerge out more prominently. Poetry cannot be judged by doing
away with civilization. The poetic roots of urdu language, which come
in the category of "Talmeehat", are deep-rooted in its history and
civilization. The Term "Talmeehat" is a part of human awareness
which has its own civilizational symbols. Talmeehat involves time and
space like vastness. An innovative world of modern trends in urdu
poetry is witnessed at the end of classical phase and at the beginning
of the twentieth century. Urdu Poetry remained progressive towards
its heights. Accepting historical incidents as key source, novel meanings
and possibilities have been sought. That is why, poets have given
them the shape of symbols and Talmeeh and very aptly, so made
them the part of poetical experiences.
صفیر صدف. (2017) اردو شاعری میں تلمیحاتی عناصر, Bazyaft, Vol 30- 31, Issue 2 .
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