Humour and sense of humour plays not only an important role in life
but also in literature . Humour produce the strength to bear the crude
realities of life. So like all the literatures of the world urdu literature has
singnificant tradition of Humour. In this tradition prof Inayat Ali Khan is an
important name who has Trageted such realities of life which are present in
one form or the other through and Satire.He has also written serious poetry.
Most of his fams is associated with his humour poetery and his serious
poetry is given Comparatively less importance. But it me study his serious
poetry. It is eviden that this past also have numerous characeristics of
diclion and ideas. The present study is an attempt to anaylze both serious
and Humour poetry of prof Inayat Ali Khan , which is relevant and
meaningful in accordance with the realities of modern Todays life
شہلا صدیقی. (2017) عنایت نامہ , Bazyaft, Vol 30- 31, Issue 2 .
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