The aim of this study was to highlight impression markers, identify key concerns, and describe cultural as well as social implications of a speech delivered by William Fraser Anning (an Austral ... Read More

The objective of this paper is to study the characters of Marlow and Kurtz from Joseph Conrad’s novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ and their roles in the action and why they are called counterfoil to each othe ... Read More

Conducting a needs analysis is the very first step in designing English for Specific Purpose (ESP) course as well as maintaining the quality of the course to fulfill the learners’ needs. This research ... Read More

This research evaluates an English language textbook from CLILperspective. For this purpose, an intermediate level (grade-11) English language textbook has been selected and analyzed ut ... Read More

This study aims to investigate the lexical, structural and cultural elements in acknowledgement texts written by Pakistani candidates of master of philosophy degrees (18 years ... Read More

Communicative competence is the broader term which covers all knowledge, capacity and skills. This particular study invites the attention towards communicative abbreviations which are used in s ... Read More

The research paper titled‘Loss of Meaning in Translation: The Case Study of a Nepali Novel Basain’ was an attempt of the researcher to find out the cases of cultural meaning loss in the translation of ... Read More

This study aimed to: find out semiotic devices in literary texts in the light of Halliday’s transitivity process; and classify De Saussure’s two-part model of sign and thereby know that what logical c ... Read More

This study examined structural and functional analysis of shellnouns in research articles of social and natural science disciplines. The purpose of this research was to conduct an analysis of shellnou ... Read More

This study tries to present a local variety of English that is used in Pakistan and is known as Pakistani English or ‘Pinglish’. It is recognized an official language in Pakistan. The paper briefly hi ... Read More


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