The Malaysian society, one of the successful and managed multi-ethnic societies, is replete of imbalances and there still underlie the racial and ethnic disproportions in geographical dwellings, edu ... Read More

Women’s legal rights are one of the most significant determinants of their status. In Bangladesh, a series of laws ensuring women’s rights have proven largely ineffective in promoting their position ... Read More

This research paper mainly deals with the villagers’ perception about diseases which are commonly found in the village. It also contains a discussion on the existing position regarding mode of treat ... Read More

The war of 1857 was a great event that influenced the future course of history of subcontinent. The war has been a topic of academic discourse for historians and social scientists across the world. T ... Read More

Educational policy-making is a cornerstone of educational planning (UNESCO). In the light of the National Education Policy (2009-2015), the paper discusses strengths and weaknesses prevalent in poli ... Read More

The present study is an endeavour to find out the significance of Positive father and daughter relationship and its impact on daughter’s interpersonal problems. Fathers always play an important role ... Read More

In recent years, decentralization initiatives have emerged as an important instrument of local development policy in both developed and developing countries. Various approaches of decentralized gove ... Read More

The paper investigates the integration of global component in the curriculum of Associate Degree of Education (ADE) In-Service Program and looks into its contribution in preparing globally competent ... Read More

This paper is an attempt to describe generic structures of two legal texts in the light of social ideologies that functionally motivate the producers of the texts to write them the way they are writ ... Read More

The purpose of this observational case study is to discover power relations in terms of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as manifested in Mubashir Luqman’s talk show Khara Sach. The episode under c ... Read More

In this paper I will explore Foucault’s critique of Marx’s concept of power. For Marx, power stems from economic relations. That is why Marx considers the bourgeois class as the source of power. Add ... Read More

Media has the potential to represent individuals or groups on behalf of large populations which has the potential to affect perceptions, cognition, attitudes and behaviors. In the process of represe ... Read More

This study explores the consumer behavior of the bottom of the pyramid market with respect to branded personal care products via shopping and brand preference, personalized relationship and word of ... Read More

Current study was an attempt to see the relationship between perceived mother’s warmth (an important ingredient of maternal acceptance) and environmental mastery (an element of psychological wellbei ... Read More

Codeswitching, use of two languages in one speech event, is a natural phenomenon in multilingual and bilingual societies. This practice is common in Pakistani society as well – people speak in two o ... Read More

The crime rate in Pakistan has increased drastically within the last decade. It may be because of high unemployment, increasing poverty, rising inflation and urbanized setups. Few non-economic const ... Read More

Honour killing means, killing a family person or clan member in the name of family pride or protecting one’s family’s honour. The mail members of a family usually murder the female members against t ... Read More

The aim of the paper is to examine the area under cotton cultivation, fertilizers off-take and credit disbursement and its impact on productivity of cotton in Pakistan during1980 to 2013. The findin ... Read More

The prime purpose of the research was to determine the effects of the disciplinary factors influencing the achievement of students in secondary schools of Karachi as viewed by male and female teache ... Read More

The guidance and counseling of students is an integral component of the educational mission of the school. Guidance and counseling services and programs promote the personal, social, educational, an ... Read More