مقالے کی قسم

Swat Statewasformally established in 1915bythe first ruler of Swat State,Syed Abdul Jabar Shah. In the month of September 1917 he was dethronedon account of hisallegedattachment with Qadyani/Ahmadi sect. After his removal fromrule and subsequent exile, Miangul Abdul Wadud was installed asruler of Swat in the month of September 1917.Swat State was recognized by the British Governmentin 1926. The recognitionwas granted with the condition that the state’s rulers will not act against the British Government.When in 1917 the Bolshevik Movement emergedin Russia, it also influenced Swat and surrounding areas. Some people were found here who hadaffiliation with Bolshevik Movement. The colonial government’s confidential records also show that some people of Swat were involved in secret activities of Bolshevik Movement. This article analyzes the expansion of Bolshevik Movement from Russia and Central Asia via Afghanistan to the frontier regions including Swat State.This paper also describes the stepstaken by the British Government to controlthe activities of this movement

Muhammad Ali Dinakhel. (2019) SWAT STATE AND BOLSHEVIK MOVEMENT, Central Asia, Volume 85, Issue 1.
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