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This research paper touches upon the importance of media as a powerful medium in safeguarding national, cultural and strategic interests of the nations. Whether in Europe, America or Asia, media has attributed a considerable power to shape opinion of the belief, change habits of life, actively mould behavior and impose a political system. While discussing worldwide the importance of media in times of peace and war, the paper specially refers to India-Pakistan media war on Mumbai Terror Attacks. Since the news media play a central role in shaping public perception, if the enemy narrative did dominate the media coverage it might have accentuated the negative perception that each side has of the other. This could impact the renegotiation of peace talks between the two nuclear-armed neighbors and thus impede the peace process. The paper explores different dimensions of the similar issue framed differently in both countries and their implication on the security of South Asia. It is noticed that Indian mindset is more communally charged and views Pakistan with a specific security lens. Whereas, Pakistani media reflected a conciliatory policy, which was rejected by India. Recently, it has begun to counter Indian propaganda in the mass media. The issue of Mumbai Attacks ranks highest on public opinion in both countries, but with a different dimension of concern.

Fazal Abbas Awan, Ahmad Khan, Shaharyar Ahmad. (2019) Media and Propaganda: Framing of the Mumbai Terror Attacks by the Indian and the Pakistani State Media, Journal of Indian Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2.
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