Thoughtful Study of Kalsoom Afzal Zaidvi Poetic Collection “Sangtary”
The poets and writers of District Swabi have written Urdu poetry side
by side Pashto in different genres. There Urdu poetry was also
popular. In these poets Kalsoom Afzal Zaidvi is one of great name.
She works in Urdu ode, poem, quatrain and prose also. Her first
poetic collections are “Sangtary”.It contains her poems, odes,
quatrains and rubiats. This very article presents thoughtful study of
Kalsoom,s poetic collection, her topics distinctive issue of her work
Dr.Tehseen Bibi, Uzma Bibi. (2019) کلثوم افضل زیدوی کا شاعری مجموعہ ''سنگتارے'' کا فکری مطالعہ, تحقیقی جریدہ, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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