In this article I have tried to discuss two important aspects of
human life: firstly, it can be molded according to logical principles, and
secondly, the psychological analysis about human character. Although these
are two different approaches, one is descriptive science and the other is
normative science, yet they relate each other. One is difficult to be
understood without study of other. All sciences have, perhaps, much the same
possibilities of broad theory and subtle analyses. Logic and Psychology stand in
the difficulty sustains the persuasion that its point of view is worth applying. In
this research article it was presumed to think of the mind as a course of
consciousness, a continuous connected presentation, more or less emphasizing
within it various images, and groups of images and ideas, which were roughly
said to act and react upon each other, to coherence in systems, and to give rise to
the perception of self. This course of consciousness, including certain latent
elements, for the existence of which it is necessary to assume, is an individual
mind, attached to a particular body, and so far as we know, are not separable
from the actions and affections of that body is the connection between such a
course of consciousness in any individual, and the world as that individual
knows as wills it. This is the point at which psychology passes into Logic.
Psychology treats of the course of ideas and feelings. Logic of the mental
construction of reality. The way the course of private ideas and feelings contain
in it, a world of things and persons which are not merely in my mind. So, I have
tried to through light on all these relevant issues of logic and psychology
Dr Qamar Sultana. (2017) LOGIC AND PSYCHOLOGY: A PHILOSOPHICAL DISCUSSION, Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy, Volume 37, Issue 1.
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