مقالے کی قسم

This paper embarks on the significant Europian philosophers, including Immanuel Kant, G. WF. Hegel. Edmund Husseral and Jean Paul Sartre to evaluate their arguments on the relationship of subject.object and extnnsicintnnsic worlds. The reality of the extnnsic world as it appeared to us could not be known. This reahty that constitutes the itnnsic world, Kant calls it, ‘thingin itself or Nowmnena. While the extnnsic world that compnses diverse matenal objects 1s Phenomena. Although all human beings possess the same mental apparatus that provides the similar cognition of the world to them, they cannot know its hndden realities. It means that no one can go beyond one’s subjective mind to understand the absolute reality. In context of the phenomenal ' noumenal dichotomy, this paper concentrates on the problem of phenomenology and existentialism

Dr. Naeem Ahmad. (2017) مظہریت اور وجودیت, Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy, Volume 37, Issue 1.
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