مقالے کی قسم

Being grounded in similarity-attraction theory, this study explicates that (dis)similarity in personality traits among rater-ratee dyads has a deep effect on ratee feedback-seeking behavior. Data were collected from 156 matched rater-ratee dyads working with a multinational beverage company and a telecommunication organization of Pakistan. The findings from polynomial regression analysis revealed that rater-ratee dyadic personality congruence (extraversion and agreeableness) enhanced ratee feedback-seeking behavior. Moreover, ratee feedback-seeking behavior enhanced the rater-ratee dyads and were similar in normatively negative traits (introvert and disagreeable), compared to when they were dissimilar. The study concludes that in order to completely grasp the knowledge about ratee feedback-seeking behavior, the dyadic personality configurations need to be considered simultaneously

Tamania Khan, Muhammad Zahid Iqbal. (2019) Linking Rater-Ratee Personality (Dis)Similarity and Feedback-Seeking Behavior, NUML International Journal of Business & Management, Volume 14, Issue 1.
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