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تاریخِ قبولیت

عالم اسلام کی نشأۃ ثانیہ کی تحریک کے خدّوخال

In February 2019, Ayaatullah Muhammad Reza Ierafi visited Pakistan. He is the former head of Al-Mustafa International University Currently, he is a member of the said University’s shura-ye Ali. He is also the head of the educational system of seminvies and the deputy Juma Prayer Leader of Qom. His high academic status can be guessed by the fact that he has been Ijtihad; lessons on teching jurisprudential issues of teaching and upinging for sixteen years. He visted many institutes in Pakistan and called on many pironment figures of institute of policy studies. The Islamic Ideological council, Jamia Al-Kawthar, Jamia Ashrafia, Jamia Al-Muntazar, Jamia Urwat-ul-Wothqa, Jamia Naimiyah, Mansora, Punjab University, Qalm Dost, Ummat-e-Wahida, Lahore Bar Association and Ittihad-eTanzemat-eMadaris. He hightghted the features of Islamic Renaissance in his dicussions with Prof Khalid-ul-Rahman, Qibla Ayaz, Shaikh Muhsin Najafi, Hafiz Fazal Al-Rahim, Hafiz Syed Riaz Hussain Najafi, Mufti Munibur Rahman, Mawlana Siraj-ul-Haq and other members and students of many institutions. In his urtide, his statemnts have been presented in an exmpiled way.

Ayotllah Ali Reza Aarafi. (2018) THE FEATURES OF THE MOVEMENT OF RENAISSANCE IN ISLAMIC WORLD, Noor-e-Marfat, Volume 09, Issue 04.
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