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کربلا کے واقعہ میں شمر بن ذی الجوشن کا کردار

Shimr is a character in the tragedy of Karbala whose cruelty and barbarism hurt the Ahl al-Bait very much. During the reign of Imam Ali (AS) Shimr was perceived as a supporter and Shia of the Imam. He was on the side of Imam Ali in the Battler of Camel (jaml), but he forsook him later and joined Muawiyah. He, thence, became a puppet of the Umayyad dynasty and a leader of Kufa. He was among those who testified against Hujr bin Adi which resulted in the martyrdom of Hujr. He played a major role in the defeat of Muslim bin Aqeel in Kufa. When Umar bin Saad wrote a letter from Karbala to ibn-e-Ziyad, suggesting him not to declare war against the Imam, Shimr convinced Ibn-e-Ziyad that the Imam would not pledge allegiance and that war was unavoidable. He acquired a ‘letter of immunity’ for Hazrat Abbas and his brothers from ibn-e-Ziyad as he was a relative of them from their mother. Hazrat Abbas rejected the offer of immunity with hatred. Shimr was in a rush to start war with Imam Hussain (AS) even in the night of Ashura. He played a major role in the martyrdom of the Imam and, then, in making the noble ladies as prisoners for which he is included among the most cruel characters of Karbala.

Dr. Abbas Haider Zaidi. (2017) THE ROLE OF SHIMR BIN ZILJOSHAN IN THE TRAGEDY OF KARBALA, Noor-e-Marfat, Volume 08, Issue 3.
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