This article explains the history of the science of tajweed, how this
discipline evolved and that Imam Khalil Nahvi is the founding father of this
discipline. Besides, it has also been explained that it were the imams of the
science of Nahv (syntax) who were in fact compiler of the art and science of
tajweed and that they are the ones to whom the credit of compilation of
articulation and their features goes. Their successors further excelled in this
science by defining and explaining the various aspects and presenting tajweed
as a separate discipline. Thereafter, the article discusses how the discipline of
tajweed was introduced in Indo-Pak Subcontinent. In this regard two phases
have been spotlighted: firstly when initially Muslims came to India and
brought with them the art and science of tajweed followed by Sufis or mystics
who found an abode in India to further fine tune this science. The second
phase starts when, the disciples of Qari Abdullah, Qari Abdur Rehman and
Qari Abdul Malik came to India. Presently, most of the qaris in India and
Pakistan endorse their connection through them.
Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed , Dr. Abdul Qadir. (2018) The Services of Qari Abdul Malik in the evolution of Tajweed in Pakistan, Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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