Brotherhood of Madīnah–Emigrants and Helpers Ṣaḥāba(RA)–An Analysis
The prophet’s migration to Madīna played an important role in the
propagation and advancement of the religion, Islam. During the migration to
Madīna, the Ansār of Madīna showed utmost hospitality and brotherhood
towards their Makki brothers. The spirit of brotherhood was based on love
and self-sacrifices of the Ansār and the Islamic Hijra (Lunar) year also starts
from migration to Madīna. Therefore, it is imperative to write down the
account of Ansār’s brotherhood so that the coming generations know about
their great past. Hence, this brief article (research paper) is presented before
the readers. This article comprises two parts: part I has been published and
this is the second and the last part—part II. In this article, I have not included
the achievements and life stories of the Companions of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH), but their introduction and family background has been discussed
Mukhtiar, Muhammad Ayaz. (2018) مواخات مدینہ — مہاجرین اور انصار صحابہ کرام — ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ, Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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