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A close link between Arabic and Pashto languages and their nations

Pashto language and literature, as well as Pashtuns have long-term relationships and links with Arabs, Arabic language and literature. These relationships were strengthened at the time when the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمand the voice of Islam were lifted up in the entire world. Afterward, the religion of Islam spread all over the world and gained the world's welfare. Having said that, the nation of Pashtun is one of the recognized and brave nations of the world, when they have heard of our beloved messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم and the religion of Islam, they immediately believed and converted to Islam and they have left their ancient religion. Moreover, they participated in the dissemination and publication of the Islamic religion. Additionally, they have started the translation of Arabic text to Pashto for their better understanding of Islam. Initially, many Arabic arts and sciences were translated to Pashto as well, the former Pashto language was completely affected by Arabic, and it had affected by Arabic language as well. So its effectiveness and complete explanation were discussed in this article. This topic is related to the comparative literature which is a study of the relationships between different literatures comprehensively. This includes the impact of one literature on the other literature; the influence of writer upon another writer, the taking from one period into other, the similar literary movements and its differences, the rise of different literary schools, or similar in multiple times and languages in the arts of different ages, their environments and the extent of all this. To write in the field of comparative literature is based upon the study of historical relations among the two or more different languages. After studying the poets, authors, and their literary production of both sides; it concludes upon finding out the impact of a language and literature on the other one. So this kind of study requires the researchers to refer to the original text of the under study literature. The comparative studies of the literature are of paramount importance in the present scenario, because this can be a source to the solace of soul and satisfaction of mind. Researchers were in dire need to explore in unexploited part of our oriental literature for the better development of comparative literature which has been the basic aim of the present paper. This article is going to discuss the following paints:1.Combine the accessible sources and material of the literature.2.Meanwhile, to highlight the effects of Arabic literature on Pashto literature.3.Study the differences between the cultures, behaviors and traditions of both the Arab and Pashtun societies.4.Acknowledge the historical, social, religious and political links between both nations.5.Bring to fore the impact of the story on both societies.

Fazal Ullah Mehmand, Prof. Dr .Yaqoob Khan Murawat. (2019) الصِّلات الوسیقہ بین العربیہ و البشتویہ و شعبیہما, Al-Azhāar, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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