تازہ ترین جلد
Pakistan is an Islamic democratic state wherein the
enactment of Islamic system is utmost necessary. Kafalat
(social security) is one of its parts where it is required to
look after the orphans, widows and disadvantaged
people with utmost care. Purpose of Kafalat is to
provide benefit to needy and deserving people. The
concept of Kifalat in Islamic system is to grant and
provide services from food to education, health, jobs and
other elements of human life. Today Pakistani society
needs such Islamic system of Kifalat which revive the
early golden era of Khilfa-e-Rashdeen and the world
would accept that their only survival is in this system
which is a complete code of life.
Mufti Muhammad Rashid Khan Awan. (2019) پاکستان میں اسلامی نظام کفالت کے فروغ میں کوشاں اداروں کی خدمات ایک تحقیقی جائزہ, اِحياء العلوم, Volume 19, Issue 1.
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