The intensive exploitation of soils leads to deterioration of their water and nutrient regime, soil erosion,
salinization and desertification. The atmospheric moisture is only source of water supply of the dry steppe’s
soils. Тaking into account the expected climate warming and changes in precipitation, the process of water
infiltration and distribution in steppe soils is of particular interest. The moisture regime of chernozems in the
Uymon intermountain depression landscapes with different agricultural use types was investigated. The
parameters of approximation of water retention curve (WRC) by the Van Genuchten function were determined
by semiempirical computational method based on data of the particle size distribution soil, soil density,
moisture of withering and the lowest moisture capacity, in RETC. It was shown that all measured soilhydrological parameters of chernozems well coincided with WRC built at RETC using only the particle size
distribution , density, porosity, TH33 and TH1500. In HYDRUS-1D we calculated the volume of reduction of
moisture reserves in the upper soil horizons as a result of water infiltration into the lower layers. According
to the results, the moisture content in agricultural soils depends on the land use type: for example, satur ated
soil moisture is higher in the soil with no-till practice than in annually plowed soil. It is shown that in the
chernozem of arable land (with oat crops) there is a faster soaking of all soil layers than in the chernozem
under the mixed grass, in which the transpiration factor corrects the dynamics of humidity to a greater extent.
Svetlana V. Baboshkina, Alexandr V. Puzanov, Tamara A. Rozhdestvenskaya, Olga A. Elchininova. (2020) Modeling of vertical moisture transfer in agricultural soils under two land use types, The Journal Soil & Environment , Volume 39, Issue 2.
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