Bálách Górgéj has been a legend and epic hero in the Baloch
History. His Heroic efforts have animated the epic poetry of the
Balochi language. A chunk of Baloch historians has written about
the life-history, bravery and modus operandi of his revenge to his
enemies. Bálách Górgéj was an outstanding poet of his time. His
poetry was preserved by the contemporary people and minstrels and
transferred it to other generations by heart. The documents what we
have received today about the life-history, bravery and revenge of
Bálách Górgéj, are the outcome of those poetic records, which were
carried out by the historians time by time.
This paper illustrates a thorough sketch of the legendary life of
Bálách of the Górgéj clan of seventeenth century. It is also found out
that how Bálách Górgéj was compelled to take revenge to his
Bohir kunachi. (2011) بالاچءقصہءتاریخ پشدر, Hankén , Volume 3, Issue 1.
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