مقالے کی قسم

Phosphorus (P) is the second most important nutrient after nitrogen (N) required to plants for optimum growth and development. For alkaline and calcareous soils, the phosphorus use efficiency ranges from 10 to 25%, as major portion of phosphatic fertilizers becomes precipitated in soil and results in decreased crop yield. Rock phosphate (RP) as P source particularly in compost form has captivated the attention being cost effective P-fertilizer. However, the solubility of RP is a major concern. The bio-augmentation and bio-stimulation i.e. addition of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and provision of limiting nutrients (molasses and urea), along with the organic manures can alleviate the problem of the rock phosphate solubilization by producing organic and mineral acids, deceasing soil pH, releasing anions and covering soil aggregates surfaces. Hence, bio-activated rock-phosphate (B-RP) was prepared through composting process by using poultry and animal manures along with RP, bio-augmented with consortium of PSB i.e. group of three strains of bacteria including Bacillus (MN-54), Enterobacter (MN-17) and Pseudomonas (E-11) and bio-stimulated with molasses (5 %) and urea (10 %). Thereafter this bio-activated rock phosphate was used alone and in different combinations with di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) during field experiment. Treatment B-RP + DAP in equal proportion improved biological yield by 19.81 %. It also resulted in 34.19, 71.24 and 29.42 % increase in N, P, K contents of grains, respectively and 40.09, 64.90 and 25.21 % increase in N, P, K contents of straw, respectively as compared to sole application of DAP as P-source i.e. DAP (100 % P). It had also improved total P-uptake (100.71 %) and recovery efficiency of P (121.86 %) of wheat as compared to that of DAP (100 % P). Moreover, the leading treatment also improved 21% grain yield over sole application of DAP. So, It is concluded that integrated use of B-RP and DAP with equal proportion of recommended P may serve as a better management practice for improving quantity of grain produced.

Muhammad Arfan-ul-Haq, Muhammad Shahid, Muhammad Naveed, Muhammad Yaseen. (2020) ASSESSMENT OF COMBINATIONS OF BIO-ACTIVATED ROCKPHOSPHATE AND DI-AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE ON PHOSPHORUS USE EFFICIENCY, GROWTH AND YIELD OF WHEAT (Triticum aetivum L.), Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 6.
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