مقالے کی قسم

Socioeconomic influences of tourism on four conifer tree species i.e. Pinus wallichiana A.B.Jackson, Pinus roxburghii Sarg, Cedrus deodara. (Roxb.) G. Donf and Abies pindrow (Royle ex D.Don) Royle of Murree and its associated Galyat of Himalayan ranges were studied through dendrochronological techniques to infer precise age and growth rate. Highest Diameter at breast hieght (Dbh) was observed in C. deodara i.e. 51.2 cm whereas oldest tree species in the study area was P. roxburghii (217 years). Cedrus deodara occupied the fastest growth rate (1.22yr/cm). Correlation between age and growth rate and Dbh and growth rate determined highly significant relationship (p < 0.001) for P. roxburghii (Chir pine), P. wallichiana (Kail/ Blue pine) and C. deodara (Deodar/ Cedar) whereas non-significant correlation observed for A. pindrow (Fir). Pinus wallichiana and P. roxburghii contributed a wide range of tolerance and resilience under such disturbed environment and found invading forest composition by replacing older composition of A. pindrow and C. deodara. It is concluded that deforestation has brought an evident change in forest structure that has been overcome by the resistant pines to some extent in sustaining mosaic forest cover. But still it will be an alarming point for future of conservational practice which has not been applied yet.

Afsheen Khan, Moinuddin Ahmed, Farid Ahmad, Adam Khan . (2020) DYNAMICS OF HIGHLY DISTURBED PINE SPECIES AROUND MURREE HILLS OF PAKISTAN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 6.
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