مقالے کی قسم
تاریخِ موصولہ
تاریخِ قبولیت


Morality belongs to the important part of Human being; i.e. soul. Infact, morality is a situation rooted in soul on the basis of which a person performs moral activities easily; without any difficulty and rarely. Morality is either good or bad. The former is called ‘Aklaq-e-Hasna’, virtue or good morals, whereas the latter is called ‘Aklaq-e-Razeela, bad morals or negatives. But when the word ‘Aklaq’ is used in its common sense, without any suffix, it refers to virtues and ‘good morals’. The signifcane of good morals can easily be understood by the fact that God has praised the Holy Prophet (PBUH) for being in the highest stage of morality saying “And indeed you are of a great whole moral character”. It is a testimony from God that the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a model and emblem morality and personification of Quranic teachings. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is, therefore, a role model for every Muslim in everywhere and everytime. By his great moral character, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) brought about a revolution in human socity; pulling it back from the darkness of polytheism towards the light of monotheism and guidance. The significance of morality is also hightighted by the fact that when a society or nation adhers itself with it, it marches on the path of progress. On the other side, when a nation divorces morality, its destruction begin. Stated fact the current decline and powerlessness of Muslim Ummah is because of the weakness of its moral personality. Muslim Ummah, that is, thus, in great need of studying and adopting the ‘Muhammadan morality”. In this paper, verses from ten chapters (surah) of Quran hase been gathered which highlight the basic moral virtues of the The Holy Prophet (PBUH) that should be followed by the Muslim Ummah.

Dr. Sajjad Subhani. (2017) النبیی الأکرم(ص) "کان خلقہ القرآن", Noor-e-Marfat, Volume 08, Issue 1.
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