مقالے کی قسم

A Study of Idgaam/ Sandhi/ Assimilation

Idgaam, sandhi and assimilation have usually been considered as synonymous terms, where as, in accordance with Arabic grammar and by some of scholar’s proposed definitions and directions the term Idgaam is characterized as a different term than Sandhi or Assimilation. comparatively, In this short study, these three terms will be analyzed individually in order to achieve the clarification of each term as keeping different defining areas by using assigned dos and don’ts of scholors. Idgaam refers only to the absorption of two homophones or nearly articulated sounds, whether it is internal Idgaam in one word or external Idgaam on the junction of two words. One ought to remember that by the junction of two same sounds, there the use of geminating gets need to be placed or its sound gets as duration as of two sounds or letters.

Altaf Hussain Jokiyo. (2011) ادغام/س​​​​​نڌي/Assimilation۾اوازن جي ضم ٿيڻ/, Kalachi, Volume 14, Issue 2.
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