مقالے کی قسم

Postmodernist thought is an intentional departure from modernist approaches that had previously been dominant. The term "Postmodernism" comes from its rejection of "Modern " scientific mentality of objectivity and progress associated with enlightenment. One of the main characteristics of postmodern thinking is that the world is seen as a much more complex and uncertain place them it actually is. Reality is no longer fixed or determined. All truth within a postmodern context is relative to one’s viewpoint or stance. The world is a representation. In other words, it is a fiction created from a specific point of view only, and not the final truth. This is an uncomfortable viewpoint for many people and there is a great deal of misunderstanding about this idea of postmodernism. Beyond all the theory and academic discussion, what is postmodern thought and what is its importance for the modern person? Postmodern thought is, in its very essence, an adventure and an expression of life experience. From its modernist beginnings, Postmodernism is an attempt to question the world that we see around us and not to take other people’s views as the final truth. Postmodernism puts everything into question and radically interrogates philosophies, strategies and world views. There is no such thing as a definition of the postmodern. It is a mood rather than a strict discipline. Postmodernism, with all its complexities, is an attempt to find new and more truthful versions of the world. In Sindhi literature, there are many indications of postmodernism but these indications are not treated trends in literature but as reflection of the objective conditions.

Dr. Gafoor Maimon. (2010) مابعد جديديت (فکرکان ادب تائين), Kalachi, Volume 13, Issue 2.
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