مقالے کی قسم

Nitrogen management is a major challenge in the environment due toNO3 - leaching and volatilization. To address this problem, a lysimeter experiment was conducted for rice-wheat with two lower N rates (15 and 30%) and three higher rates (15, 30 and 45%) than recommended rate (N100%). Higher leaching of NO3 - was noted with N145% up to86.84 mg/leachate in rice while wheat crop showed maximum leaching 48.62 mg/leachate in same treatment. This revealed that during the rice-wheat rotation, NO3 - leaching losses were the highest during rice growth than that of wheat. The uppermost rice-wheat grain yield was obtained with 15% higher N. The highest rice-wheat NUE was 31.26 g/g and 45.52 g/g with treatment N115%, respectively. It is concluded that treatment of N115%proved to be efficient than other treatments due to enhanced NUE and yield by reducing NO3 − leaching losses. The findings of current study can be helpful to develop proper N fertilizer management strategies for rice-wheat rotation.

Muhammad Shoaib Rana, Ghulam Murtaza, Chengxiao Hu, Xuecheng Sun, Muhammad Imran, Javaria Afzal, Ali Mohamed Elyamine, Zaid Khan, Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Shaaban, Muhammad Irfan Waris. (2020) NITRATE LEACHING LOSSES REDUCTION AND OPTIMIZATION OF NUSE EFFICIENCY IN Triticumaestivum L. AND Oryza sativa L. CROP ROTATION FOR ENHANCING CROP PRODUCTIVITY, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 3.
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