Drama is one of the most primitive literary genres, and it was played in almost every culture. Although it got its currency in Greece, and it took its proper modern form there, but the Indian Natak (Indian form of Drama) has its own distinctive features. The real difference between Greek play and Indian Natak lies in their technique and essence. The base of Greek play is Plot (Tragedy), whereas the core of Natak is dance and music. In our opinion Urdu drama has been evolved from Natak, but Urdu critics have analyzed it in the light of Greek principles. And owing to this fact they conclude that Urdu drama is below par. In this essay I argue that, for better understanding and analysis of Urdu drama, it should be analyzed in light of Indian legacy.
شاہد نواز. (2013) اُردو ڈرامے کا المیہ, Tahqeeq Nama, Volume 12, Issue 1.
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