مقالے کی قسم

Crop cultivation worldwide is often affected by NaCl excess in soil solution. Silicon (Si) is the second abundant element of Earth crust which may alleviate effects of abiotic stress in plants. In the present study, the effect of Si added to NaCl-containing nutrient solution, on physiological and biochemical traits of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was investigated. Silicon (Si), 5 mM, in the form of inorganic fertilizer was applied to 50 mM and 100 mM NaCl -containing nutrient solution, in semicontrolled conditions of a greenhouse. Both salinity levels significantly reduced intensity of transpiration and activities of catalase and guaiacol peroxidase in leaves. Application of Si, on the other hand, significantly increased antioxidant activity (up to 80%). In addition, free proline accumulation was reduced 5 times in the presence of Si. Addition of Si to nutrient solution containing 50 mM NaCl alleviated effect of salts on plant fresh weight, number of leaves per plant, total leaf area and concentration of photosynthetic pigments. Accumulation of N in leaves and roots of plants increased, while concentrations of Na and K were lower in the presence of Si. Concerning growth and biochemical traits of oilseed rape, Si addition was found more effective at lower salt concentrations, while increase in antioxidant enzyme activity was actually caused by both NaCl concentrations.

Dragan Lazić, Marina Putnik-Delić, Milena Daničić, Milan Župunski, Danijela Arsenov, Slavica Vuković, vana Maksimović. (2020) EFFICIENCY OF SI IN ALLEVIATING NACL-INDUCED STRESS IN OILSEED RAPE, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 4.
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