مقالے کی قسم

Cotton is industrial and one of the important cash crops in Pakistan. Warm environment is required for its cultivation. The present study aimed to assess genetic variation and path analysis for yield and yield contributing traits in advanced cotton lines under high temperature stress natural field conditions and to find out lines with desirable characteristics and high yield productivity. The experimental material consisted of six advanced lines of cotton along with the two standard varieties. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Different yield and yield contributing traits and fiber quality parameters were studied. Analysis of data was carried out by using different statistical tools. Based on morphological results of advanced lines, NIAB-4-44-3 recorded high mean performance for yield and yield components and produced highest seed cotton yield per plant. NIAB-4-79-2 depicted the lowest number of gossypol glandes on different parts of cotton flower and boll i.e. thalamus, pedicle, calyx, boll surface. NIAB-4-100-5, NIAB-4-79-2 and NIAB4-44-3 showed highest values for ginning out turn, micronaire, seed cotton yield and fiber strength. Sympodia per plant and 10th sympodial branch length were positively correlated with total number of bolls per plant. From these studies it is concluded that the morphological and fiber quality traits can be considered while making selection for genetic improvement of cotton.

Shahwar Fatima, Sajjad Haidar, Noreen Bibi. (2020) ANALYSIS OF GENETIC VARIABILITY AND PATH COEFFICIENT FOR YIELD CONTRIBUTING TRAITS IN ADVANCED LINES OF COTTON (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 57, Issue 4.
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