مقالے کی قسم

Agriculture is currently facing demanding challenges such as water scarcity and environmental pollution while Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. chinensis) is one of the most important vegetables in China. However, to ensure food security, it is required to assess the effect of water and nitrogen management strategies on the growth, yield, and water use efficiency (WUE) of Chinese cabbage. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement of treatments adopting three irrigation methods (surface irrigation, SI; surface drip irrigation, DI; and subsurface drip irrigation with drippers at 5, 10 and 15 cm, SDI5, SDI10, SDI15) and combined with two nitrogen fertilizer (Urea, N > 46.2%) application levels 300 kg N/ha (100%N) and 240 kg N /ha, (80%N). Dry plant biomass (DPB), dry root biomass (DRB), plant height, number of leaves/plant, maximum root length and leaf area index (LAI) (growth parameters) and consequently crop yield and WUE were significantly affected by irrigation systems and fertilizer levels. The obtained results indicated that SI treatment under both N fertilizer levels (100%N and 80%N) gave better results among other irrigation methods. In contrast, SDI treatments comparing with DI as a control, SDI15 under both N fertilizer levels significantly gave higher yield 36.0 and 28.9 t/ha under 100%N and 80%N respectively. While SDI5 (25.4 and 18.3 t /ha) recorded the lowest yield. SDI15 gave the highest WUE 60.6, 52.0 t /h /mm under100%N and 80%N respectively, also SDI15 was the optimal irrigation regime for the following growth parameters DPB (11.6 and 10.2 g/plant), DRB (5.1 and 4.6 g/plant, number of leaves/plant (25.7 and 23.7), maximum root length (11.8, 9.3 cm) and leaf area index (LAI) (1.05, 0.91) under both nitrogen level 100%N and 80%N respectively. Our findings suggested that SDI15 irrigation combined with 100% nitrogen application rate could be an effective irrigation and fertilization management strategy for Chinese cabbage growth with water-saving and high yield.

Amar Ali Adam Hamad, Junzeng Xu, Qi Wei, Yousef Alhaj Hamoud, Hiba Shaghaleh, Kechun Wang, Fazli Hameed, Lijun Xu. (2021) EFFECT OF DIFFERENT IRRIGATION AND NITROGEN MANAGEMENT OPTIONS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND WATER USE EFFICIENCY OF CHINESE CABBAGE IN GREENHOUSE CULTIVATION, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 1.
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