This work investigates the bilingual linguistic landscape as represented in St
Fagans, the national history museum in Cardiff, Wales, UK. Being a history
museum it covers knowledge of Welsh history and culture where objects of
historical, artistic, and cultural importance are kept for public exhibition. The
linguistic landscape (LL) in St Fagans offers the viewers a look into the cultural
diversity, the preservation and co-existence of two languages, English and
Welsh, over time. Besides focussing on the symbolic functions through linguistic
code preference, the study also aims at exploring how the LL contributes to the
discursive construction of the museum identity and the collective identity of the
people whose history it seeks to represent inhabit it. Moreover, the study sheds
light on the relationships between linguistic landscape and the sociolinguistic
context of Wales. The study recommends an investigation into the
bi/multilingual landscape of Pakistan to help reveal the diverse ethnolingusitic
make-up of the country
Amjad Saleem. (2017) Linguistic Landscape: A Study of Signage at Public Museum in Cardiff, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-24, Issue-1.
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