مقالے کی قسم
تاریخِ موصولہ
تاریخِ قبولیت

The word excommunication means to exclude a Muslim from prescribed boundary of Islam.non of us have the authority of excommunicated any one from Islam except Allah almighty and his beloved prophet Mohammad (PBUH).because the act of excluding a Muslim, belongs to the orders of Allah (the foundation of Which is Quran) and Sunnah therefore drastic care should be taken in this regard and the one and only would be called as disbeliever if confirmed in the light Quran and Sunnah. Basically any Muslim will be called as Muslim until and unless he is acting openly upon the rules and regulation of Islam. A Muslim would be considered as disbeliever if proclaimed blasphemy intestinally.

ڈاکٹر سجاد علی رئیسی: انسٹیٹوٹ پروفیسر شاہ عبد اللطیف یونیورسٹی خیرپور ممیرس. (2019) ڈاکٹر علی شریعتی کا تصور امامت و خلافت کا ایک تنقیدی جائزہ , Bayan-ul-Hikmah, Vol. 5, Issue 1.
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