The present study aimed at discerning the relationship between conflict
management and decision making styles in the college principals. The
sample of the study comprised 100 principals of private and public sector
degree colleges of Sargodha with an age range of 35-58 years. Measures
used were Conflict Management Inventory (Anis-ul-Haque, 2003) and
General Decision Making Style Questionnaire (Scott & Bruce, 1995).
Multiple regression analyses revealed that integrative conflict
management style was the significant predictor of rational decision
making style. Dominating and avoidant conflict management styles
turned out to be the positive predictors of avoidant decision making style.
Dominating conflict management style also predicted intuitive and
spontaneous decision making styles in positive direction. Finally,
compromising conflict management style predicted spontaneous decision
making style in negative direction. Limitations of the current study and
suggestions for future empirical endeavors have also been discussed.
Nadia Shabbir, Mohsin Atta, Adnan Adil. (2014) Conflict Management and Decision Making Styles in College Management , Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 2 .
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