In the present research, Spence Child Anxiety Scale (Parent
version) (SCAS-P) developed by (Spence, 1999) was translated
into Urdu language and validated for the assessment of anxiety
disorder in Pakistani children. SCAS-P (Urdu version) was
presented to respective mothers of academically low performing
children within age range of 7 to 13 years (N = 100, mean age =
9.83, SD = 1.64) including (girls: n = 38) and (boys: n = 62). The
age range of mothers was between 26 to 49 years (N = 100).
Validation of SCAS-P through Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)
(Urdu version) (Khan & Awan, 2011) was carried out. The
children (N = 245) was selected as a sample. There were (girls: n =
75) and (boys: n = 170) from 3rd to 5th grades. The results showed
the alpha reliability coefficients of subscales of SCAS-P (Urdu
version) ranged from .68 to .81 and for total it was .92. Convergent
validity of SCAS-P was estimated by correlating the scores of
SCAS-P with CBCL (Urdu version). The result of correlation was
significant and added to the validity of SCAS-P (Urdu version), it
ranged from .33 to .68 that was significant at .01 level.
Discriminant validity was assessed by correlating the scores of
SCAS-P with CBCL. The results showed significant inverse
relationship between both measures.
Mamoona Ismail Loona, Anila Kamal. (2013) Translation and Validation of Spence Child Anxiety Scale – Parent version (SCAS-P), Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 1.
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