Dr. Jamil Jalbi (1929-2019), in his criticisms, has not only made
theoretical arguments on the subject of "Amalgam of Research and
Criticism" but in practice laid the foundation for his critical theory
"Amalgamative Style". The artistic style of his History of Urdu Literature
(TARIKH-E-ADAB-E-URDU) can be described as the masterpiece of the
creative amalgam of research, criticism, culture and linguistics. From this
point of view, Jalbi's Criticisms is the most balanced form of two extremes
of traditional research and criticism. Although he calls his style a "New
Criticism", it would not be strange to call his style "a modern
He has devised a new way of transcending the traditional style of
Criticism in Urdu literature. Studying his criticisms, it turns out that his
theoretical and applied criticism are incompatible. He considers research
and criticism to be interdependent. Not only he promotes an amalgam of
research and criticism, he also emphasizes the integration of non-literary
sciences. He believes that a critic should benefit from pure scientific and
social studies. The more a critic studies, the more his critical insight will
grow. In his view, the research process would be weak without critical
awareness, and so would the criticism without meaningful research. He
understands that it is important for a scholar to have a thorough knowledge
of the Eastern and Western traditions. In fact, over time, even more artistic
aspects of Jalbi's Criticism may be revealed.
Muhammad Rafih Azhar. (2020) تحقیق و تنقیدکافکری تناظراورڈاکٹرجمیل جالبی کا امتزاجی اسلوب , Bazyaft, Volume-36-37, Issue-1.
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