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SAARC is a regional organization of South Asian countries. It was established to improve trade relation among member countries and also solve regional issues and regional problems. SAARC provides a platform to make collective strategy to tackle climate change, water and food shortages. The member countries can negotiate on different issues of region from the platform of SAARC. This region of South Asia is facing many issues now days and the major issues are terrorism, water issues, health issues, climate issues and also trade issues. The trade among member countries is very low and trade unions facing many problems and terrorism and terrorist activities are increasing day by day. Water is also becoming the major threat for the future of South Asian people. Due to all these problems and to not solve these issues SAARC is becoming a weak organization to solve regional issues but there are some factors which are also responsible for the failure of SAARC and one the most important factor is the clash between India and Pakistan. SAARC cannot solve the regional issues due to lake of trust among member countries and due to all these aspects people of South Asia facing many current and future's threats of their survival. Despite that SAARC is becoming weak organization by not solving the major issues of the regional states but somehow trade improves between India and Pakistan from the platform of SAARC. This paper tends to find the trade volume between India and Pakistan and would also find that what are the reasons behind the low trade volume between India and Pakistan.

Muhammad Adnan Bashir. (2015) SAARC and Regional Integration, Journal of Indian Studies, Volume 1, Issue 2.
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