مقالے کی قسم

Allah allmighty sent many prophets for the guidance of mankind. In the past, Allah blessed His prophets with such miracles as were related to the skills and expertise of the people of that particular time. In the time of Hazrat Dawood (السلام علیھ (the industry of metal works reached its culmination. Allah blessed him with the power and skill to melt and mould the metal. In the time of Hazrat Mosa (السلام علیھ ,(witchcraft was at its peak. Allah, therefore, blessed Hazrat Mosa (السلام علیھ (with the miracle of a scepter that turned into a python. In the time of Hazrat Isa ( علیھ السلام (when the profession of medical science was very popular, Allah blessed Hazrat Isa (السلام علیھ (with miracle of curing even the incurable deadliest diseases. During the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (وسلم علیھ الله صلى (the Arabs were famous for their eloquent speech.

خالق داد ملك, معين الحق. (2015) الخطاب القرآني وأنواعه (دراسة بلاغية في ضوء الفتح المحمدي في علم البديع والبيان والمعاني) , Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Volume 22, Issue 1.
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