مقالے کی معلومات
مقالے کی قسم
This report introduces an innovative research project about the dialogue among
teacher trainees from UK, Norway and Pakistan, about a literary work, in a virtual
environment. This project involved us, fi ve English in Education academics from
the three contexts, as researchers who gathered, analysed and reported on the
international data collaboratively. We refl ect on our experience as international
researchers and the benefi ts we found in this type of association across borders
for future teachers. This work has implications for teacher education and the
methodologies used can be benefi cial for future researchers and teacher educators.
Ghazal Kazim Syed, Amanda Naylor, Nicholas McGuinn, Zoltan Varga, Hege Emma Rimmereide. (2019) Taking an Active Role in an International Project: A Report of a Collaborative Research with Teacher Trainees in UK, Norway and Pakistan, Journal of Education and Educational Development, Volume 6, 6.2.
497 -
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