A field experiment was conducted on two rice cultivars, NIAB-6 (salt tolerant) and IR-1561 (salt sensitive) in a salt-affected field to evaluate the effect of different methods of K application to rice (Oryza saliva L.). Tillering capacity, paddy and straw yield and 1000-gram weight increased in both the cultivars due to K* application. No significant differences were observed amongst the methods of K application. Concentration of Na+ , P and Cf decreased while that of K* increased in both the varieties because of K application. K:Na and Zn:P ratios were also improved by the application of potassium in a saline soil.
M. Aslam,, X. Ahmad,, R.H.QuresHi, S. Nawaz'. (1998) COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF POTASSIUM APPLICATION TO RICE (ORYZA SATIVA L.) IN A SALT-AFFECTED SOIL, The Journal Soil & Environment , Volume 14, Issue 14(1-2).
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