A pot experiment was conducted at NARC to examine the effect ofN (0,100 and200mgN kg' sod) and ESP levels (control, 20 and 40) on (fte growth and composition of two sunflower varieties. Soil ESP levels
were developed in a loam soil using NaHC(h. Btomass production in cv, NSH-45 was more than NK-212. Yield reduction for cv. NSH-45 was 7.5 and 23.3 %andforcv. NK-212 was 12 and 26% at ESP of 20 and 40 respectively. Correlation between dry matteryield and ESP was negative
and highly significant (r = -0.981)for both the cv. NSH-45 and cv. NK-212. Sodium concentration in leaves increased and that of potassium decreased with an increase in ESP. However, reverse was true with increasing N application. Sodium and Na:K ratio had highly significant negative correlation with yieldfor cv, NK-212 (r = -OMand -0.99)
andfor cv.NSH-45(r = -0.99 and-0.99) respectively. The variety NSH-45 was a little more tolerant than NK-212 variety. Application of N improved dry matter yield indicating that firtilizer N had moderated the hazardous
effect ofsodicity.
M. Yasin. (1997) EFFECT OF N ON BIOMASS AND Na AND K IONS IN LEAVES OF SUNFLOWER AT DIFFERENT SOIL ESP LEVELS, The Journal Soil & Environment , Volume 13, Issue (1-4).
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