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Confluence of South, Central and West Asia, by virtue of its juxtaposition to world’s largest hydrocarbon reserves and owing to its proximity to Arabian Sea, Central Asian Republics (CARs), China and Russia, offers a space to various regional and global players to control and monitor the entire region. Presence of extra regional forces in Afghanistan, Western commitment to eliminate religious extremism and terrorism, Sino-Russian concerns of containing US hegemony, Indian desire to dominate Pakistan’s backyard and Iranian efforts to attract economic wealth of CARs are few of the indicators which can be regarded as the sideshows of “The New Great Game”. Indian current collaboration with Iran and Afghanistan can primarily be attributed to its energy security, access to Central Asia and its enduring rivalry with Pakistan. Geographically situated in between, Pakistan views Indian growing outreach in Afghanistan and Iran with considerable alarm as the emerging scenario appears to endorse Indian ambitions of strategic encirclement of Pakistan. “Indian Outreach in Afghanistan/ Iran – Regional Implications with Focus on Pakistan” highlights Indian motives, factors facilitating Indian ingress, how Indian presence in Afghanistan/ Iran will affect regional security calculus and how it is detrimental to national security of Pakistan

Muhammad Usman. (2018) Indian Outreach in Iran & Afghanistan: Regional Implications with Focus on Pakistan, The Dialogue, Volume 13, Issue 1.
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