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As a result of wars and disasters in the 20th century, people tried to find answers to the question “Who we are? or Who we were?” This indicates the importance of memory studies. When we think of Iqbal, we see that his place in memory is inseparable with the desire for freedom not only in Pakistan but in India also. This leads the humanity in search of identity. Also when we observe the social environment and its temperament elements in the development of Iqbal's personality, we see that we cannot confine Iqbal to the Indian Sub-Continent only. Importance of Iqbal is also known in Turkey. Turkish writers and thinkers try to keep Iqbal's philosophy alive through their works. In this research, the most important Turkish thinkers and their views on Iqbal are discussed in the issues of publicizing Iqbal's philosophy in Turkey during the period of 1950-70s.

Dr.Aykut KISMIR. (2019) The Texts of Reminiscence About Allama Muhammad Iqbal in Turkey Between 1950-70s, DARYAFT, Volume 22, Issue 22.
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