Most of the novels dealing with the themes of partition riots are celebrated as a
popular literature. Albeit these novels could not get recognition from serious
literary circles, However, Abdullah Hussein's novel touches the universal themes
of widespread upheavals of the partition era, post colonial trauma in the region,
break up or rejuvenation of human relations, illuminating the freedom from
colonial rule or class struggle against the capitalism. This novel is full of
intellectual engagement with the issues of alienation, nostalgia, historical
consciousness etc.
Novelist tracks the pre history of partition in order to get familiar with the tragic
agony of his contemporary society. Reader cannot deny the superb
craftsmanship of the novelist with which he paints not only the social and
political background of the partition riots but also endeavors to capture the
actual political, social, financial, moral and cultural scenario under the British
ڈاکٹر کامران عباس کاظمی . (2016) "اداس نسلیں" برصغیر کی سیاسی عصریت کا مؤثر بیانیہ, Mayar , Volume 15-16, Issue 1 .
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