Although God is the only omnipotent power and central source to
seek divinity and set beliefs for all religions, even though it has become a
social practice in present era to centralize and focus the ideologies and set
patterns devised by the nominated personalities of different religions in the
long run of spread and preaching of respective religions. Freedom of
expression is allowed on legal basis in west; no matters it targets God and
religion in this race - but such genre of expressions are highly objectionable
rather forbidden in Islam. Anyhow, poetry - a big literary genre - offers a
license to talk about power and presence of God. Therefore, certain
examples regarding deviations from God and religion. Skepticism in other
sense, are found in poetry. Classical poetry presents such concepts
symbolically and metaphorically. Whereas, modern poetry talks explicitly
about omnipotence of God. The purpose of this research study is to examine
and explore the causes and effects of above mentioned phenomenon in
modern poetry.
صائمہ علی. (2017) جدید اردو شاعری میں تصور خدا, Bazyaft, Vol 30- 31, Issue 1.
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