Russian revolution of 1917 affected the poets and writers all over the
world. Indian poets and the writers, too, could not keep themselves away
from the influence of this revolution. And their creative works started
reflecting this revolution. This revolution is based on the theory presented
by Karl Marx, according to which the world is in the process of continuous
change. Russian revolution gave strength to the weak in the world. Allama
Muhammad Iqbal, too, is in favour of the underprivileged and
marginalized class. Hence, he gave a warm welcome to this revolution.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was of the view that both Communism and
Islamic Economic system were close to each other. So, he favoured this to
his best. But, Iqbal disliked the faithlessness of the communists.
گلشن طارق. (2017) اقبال کی شاعری پر انقلاب روس کے اثرات, Bazyaft, Vol 30- 31, Issue 1.
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